CD3D #NewYearNewMe Resolution Contest
New Year’s Resolution Contest!
Are you a believer? A hater? A day trader? Or a lucky one? Do you want to have 500 CD3D tokens for FREE?
We’re giving away 500 CD3D tokens to 5 lucky winners who Team CD3D chooses have the best New Year resolutions!
Just follow these 3 simple steps:
1. Follow us on Twitter:
2. Quote-retweet our beautiful CD3D New Year’s Resolution Contest banner tweet with YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION using the hashtags #CD3D #NewYearNewMe #BuyCD3D
3. Make sure you follow 1 and 2 steps to be qualified for the contest. Failure to comply with these instructions will lead to automatic disqualification.
The contest will end at 12PM GMT on 1/25/2022. Winners announced during AMA Wednesday 10AM GMT, 1/26/22.
Good luck — and HAPPY NEW YEAR!