Oct 10, 2021
Missed out on the CD3D Batch Auction? Now grab your CD3D tokens at a FIXED PRICE — but for 36 hours only!
Join us at the Dodo Exchange to take part of this limited time sale.
Crowdpooling Type: Fixed-Price CP
Total Supply: 2,000,000 CD3D
Tokens for Participants: 1,000,000 CD3D
Hard Cap: 100,000 BUSD
% of Tokens for Sale: 50%
Price: 1 CD3D = 0.10 BUSD
Start Time: 10.10.21, 12AM PT/ 3AM ET/ 7AM GMT
End Time: 10.11.21, 12PM PT/ 3PM ET/ 7PM GMT
Liquidity Protection Period: 30 Days
Please visit to buy CD3D: https://bit.ly/3oJqPvr